Friday, May 25, 2007

Mid-Term Topics

Chose one of the three topics here: the emphasis is on analysis, judgement and the mechanics of writing.
  1. Troubling the placidly laudatory lecture presentation of Scott's supreme literary genius in Rob Roy is the matter of the highly idealised characterisation of the titular character. Evaluate this in reference to the manifold artistic representation of the north and south opposition in the text, as detailed in lecture.
  2. On any reasonable view, the characterisation of women in Rob Roy and Princess & Curdie is formidable and inescapably noteworthy. Present your judgement of the literary functions of Diana Vernon, Helen MacGregor and the Princess Irene, in context of the paired opposites which are guiding our study through the long nineteenth century.
  3. Imagine that Charles Darwin had been influenced, not by Malthus' Essay on the Principles of Population as he claimed, but by Carlyle's "The Everlasting No" and Scott's Rob Roy. Write an article aimed at publication in a scholarly journal that explains how the course handouts from Darwin were specifically derived from those two Scottish texts.


Anonymous said...

Not sure which mid term blog to post on as there are a few so I'll post here. I wouldn't mind an extension to next week.

Anonymous said...

An extension would be PERFECT!

Anonymous said...

I persoanlly don't think an extension is fair - why baby the people who don't organize their time, when some of us did? You get this in every class, same people just have problems.

Anonymous said...

Even with careful organization of my time, I'll still be very pressed to have the paper done for tomorrow. Sometimes things just come up and there's not much you can do. Personally, I would appreciate an extension.

Anonymous said...

extension sounds good. A little more time to organize thoughts.